Proclaim Israel to the Nations

“Hear the word of the LORD, you nations; proclaim it in distant coastlands: ‘He who scattered Israel will gather them and will watch over his flock like a shepherd.’” - Jeremiah 31:10

God commanded the nations to know His plan for Israel – He will gather the people that He scattered and will resettle them back into their ancestral land as a testament to His everlasting lovingkindness and faithfulness. This is no longer a thing of the future; it is happening now! How excited Jeremiah would be were he alive today! 

Ten Gentiles brings the news of the ingathering and re-settling of the Jewish exiles - Israel’s history for the past 150 years - into churches and Bible studies. We bring pictures, videos, and Jewish songs to help our Christian brothers and sisters to see God’s plan unfolding, to see God’s heart, and to be in step with His work on earth.

“For Salvation is from the Jews….” - John 4:22

When we think about salvation, John 3:16 often comes to our mind, “for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Then in the very next chapter, Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well, “we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews” [John 4:22]. And He wasn’t just talking about Himself; he was talking about the Jewish people’s role in the plan of salvation. How do the two verses fit together? 

Due to a long history of Replacement Theology, the Jewish people’s role in God’s plan for salvation has been ignored. But, if we ask the right questions, the Bible explains itself. 

Through a three-hour overview or all-day learning, we will navigate from Old Testament to New Testament to see the continuation of God’s purposes toward His people and the nations. We will see how God accomplishes His promise of “I will be your God, and you will be my people” with the Jewish people and also grafted the Gentiles into this relationship. We will let the Bible passages speak for themselves. 

Our understanding of the Jewish people’s role in God’s narrative determines our attitude towards them. This could be the very beginning of your relationship with His people Israel.