Ten Gentiles is a nonprofit Christian organization registered in Israel in mid-2018. It was created to help fellow Christians to connect with the Jewish people and participate in God’s mighty work in Israel now.
Most of us Christians do not consider the Jewish people when we think about God’s work on Earth. This has created a blind spot in our understanding of scripture, of who God is, and of His plan for humanity. Consequently, we have missed out on much because of this blindness.
Ten Gentiles aims to help Christian communities see the Jewish people face to face and also see them in the words of both the Old Testament and New Testament. We need to understand that because of God’s faithfulness and grace, the Jewish people have always been at the center of God’s plan and execution.
Ten Gentiles has established close relationships with local Jewish communities, synagogues, and organizations. We serve as a platform to bring Christians into Jewish daily and spiritual life to see firsthand what it means to be a Jew and what God has been doing with them according to His plan. We help our Christian brothers and sisters to create relationships and feel connected to the Land and to the people, while maintaining our own gentile Christian identity.
We help Christian groups visiting Israel to get a taste of the “nourishing sap” that apostle Paul promised in Romans 11:17 through experiencing directly Jewish identity, seeing the intricate details that makes up the Israeli society, and volunteering alongside the locals.
We comfort God’s people in tangible ways. We take those who want to do good for Israel into homes to comfort the needy and the sick. We give out much needed food vouchers with love and friendship without wanting anything in return.
We place Christian volunteers in our favorite Israeli organizations and help the volunteers to adapt to the new environment and shine with their gifting. We also ensure our volunteers will experience all aspects of the rich life in Israel.
We go into Christian communities in the nations to proclaim God’s continuous work with His people Israel and inspire love and commitment.
It is our calling to serve both the Jewish people and Christians worldwide. We do not charge fees for our time and effort for hosting in Israel and teaching. All our workers are self-supporting volunteers, and we operate with very low overhead. Our projects in Israel depend solely on faithful prayers and financial support from donors; we are their hands and feet serving Israel.
The reward of going on this journey with us is great. To those who love and rejoice with Jerusalem, God already promised, “you will nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breasts; you will drink deeply and delight in her overflowing abundance.” [Isaiah 66:11]. God’s words do not fail. Come and see and be a part of His work with His people Israel!